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Express Life BETTER!

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A life better expressed

You live life through your nervous system.

You are experiencing life in your brain.

Think about it.

Information comes in through your senses. Light, sound, temperature, taste, and your body’s position. Not only that, your internal organs, blood vessels, hormones, immune system, digestion, etc., are all sending information to your brain.

As information comes in through your nerves to your brain, a response is needed.

If it’s too cold, your brain tells your muscles to shiver. If there’s an invader, your brain raises your temperature (fever) to kill it.

Think about it. Your brain is processing billions of signals of information every second.

Your life and, more importantly, your experience of life depends on your nervous system.

That’s where we come in.

Who do you see to keep your nervous system healthy and functioning at its best? What doctor do you see to STAY healthy?

Your Chiropractor.

There’s no other profession that focuses 100% on optimizing your nervous system and helping your body stay well.  Not only that, chiropractic is the only drug-free healthcare profession.

As a child, I loved the chiropractor. My passion was playing baseball. I noticed how every time I left the chiropractor, I felt better. I was healthier. That’s something no other doctor could do.

Shouldn’t a doctor DO SOMETHING that makes your body function better? If we know 90% of all diseases are caused by lifestyle choices, why are so many people on medications?

If drugs made patients healthier, the patients taking the most drugs would be the healthiest. However, we all know that’s not reality. Once a person starts being treated with medications, their health often declines.

Here at Epic Life Chiropractic, I first adjust your spine to get your nervous system healthy. Without a healthy spine, it won’t matter what else you do. If you want to be your healthiest, you NEED a well-adjusted spine and a healthy nervous system.

From there, our relationship is one of a health coach and mentor, and it’s on YOU to live a healthy life.

I see no value in seeing a doctor once a year for a physical and some blood and likely being prescribed more drugs (and research proves I’m right).

As your chiropractor, I’ll truly know you, your health, and your lifestyle. Instead of seeing you once a year, I’ll see you multiple times a month. You are NOT just a number to me or a print-out of blood work numbers.

I’m honored to serve you and your family as I help restore your health and take it to new levels.

Here to serve YOU,

Dr. Jeff Grosskopf

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