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Your Posture Can Ruin Your Health

In 1994, the Journal of American Pain Management stated: “Posture effects and moderates every function from breathing to hormonal production. Spinal pain, headache, mood, blood pressure,  pulse, and lung capacity are among functions easily influenced by your posture.”

Why is your posture so important?


Your spine houses your nervous system (spinal cord), which regulates every function in your body. 

I’ll bet you can think of a couple of people right now with chronic health issues, and they also have poor posture.

You must take care of your spine if you want to be well. 

If you’re only getting chiropractic care when your back hurts, you’re missing the big picture of your health. 

Make sure chiropractic is a foundation and a staple in your healthcare. 

– Dr. Jeff Grosskopf

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